Hey Folks-

Howard Stump over at Soundtrack to My Day gave The Odd Fellows Hall a very thoughtful review. Check it out.  I was so proud to read Howard’s astute observations regarding the album cover art and the overall production. Although he did not mention them by name, he seemed to really “get”  Leonardo Aranda (Album Art Direction) and Adrian Holtz (Producer) and everything we were going for on this album.  What an experience. 



This same team is working on a new EP titled, Beverly.

As I write this, Adrian and I are hard at work in the studio and Leo will be brought on board in a few weeks once the overall tone on the EP takes hold.

If you’d like to hear more about me and The Odd Fellows Hall, you can listen to a really fun interview I did with Larry Flick on Sirius/XM’s The Morning Jolt.

Larry Flick and Keith Price are very gracious hosts. You’ll see.


Or visit Pssst!  to and listen from there. .

The Odd Fellows Hall is available

by download from CD Baby, Amazon and iTunes.

Hard copies from Amazon and CD Baby, http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/fontainejames

Streaming on Spotify,  Lastfm and Reverbnation, http://www.reverbnation.com/fontainejames